If you had to introduce yourself in an elevator pitch, what would you say?

Hi, I’m Ndapewoshali Prudence Shipandeni. I am a Process Manager with a decade of experience in leading successful mining production teams, and I am also an aspiring leadership coach. I am passionate about making a tangible impact in the Namibian mining industry.

What inspired your current career choice?

My career choice was significantly shaped by the environment I grew up primarily in mining towns, which naturally led me to this field. Furthermore, my current surroundings have instilled in me a deep appreciation for people and a commitment to helping everyone reach their full potential. So, without sounding cliché, it feels as though mining chose me.

As a professional working in the mining industry, what excites you most about your work?

The mining industry is a field where diverse perspectives are increasingly recognized as valuable. Working on practices that enhance safety, efficiency, and environmental stewardship is immensely rewarding. I find great fulfillment in collaborating with a dynamic and inclusive team, where everyone’s unique insights contribute to our collective success. Witnessing the tangible results of our efforts, such as improved resource management and reduced environmental impact, is truly inspiring and underscores the importance of our work.

How do you experience equal opportunities in your workplace?

I appreciate how Namdeb fosters an inclusive environment that values and encourages diverse perspectives. This commitment to equality is evident in the company’s policies and practices, which promote fair treatment and career advancement for all employees, regardless of gender or background.

Being a female professional working in a mining industry, do you encounter any gender bias related challenges and how do you handle them?

As a female professional in the historically male-dominated mining industry, I occasionally encounter gender bias-related challenges. To address these, I focus on maintaining high professional standards, building supportive networks, promoting open communication, staying informed on best practices in diversity and inclusion, and remaining confident and resilient. By employing these strategies, I aim to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment and pave the way for future generations of women in the industry.

What institutional and societal changes need to be done for women to get more empowered?

In recent years, organizations have made strides in promoting STEM education for women, which is a positive start. Additionally, addressing gender bias through training is crucial, we come from different backgrounds and expect people to work harmoniously together, this is not always possible due to unconscious bias and unwilful ignorance. Providing mentorship programmes and networking opportunities can further support women’s career development. Moreover, challenging traditional gender roles and promoting positive representations of women will encourage shared responsibilities both in the workplace and households. By implementing these changes, we can create a more equitable environment where women can thrive and contribute fully to all aspects of society.

How do you balance your personal life with your professional commitments?

Balancing my personal life with professional commitments involves several key strategies. I prioritize important tasks, set clear boundaries between work and personal time, and remain flexible to accommodate varying demands. Additionally, I prioritize self-care through activities that help me relax and recharge. And, most importantly I have a very good support system allowing me to thrive both personally and professionally.

What role has mentorship played in your career, and who has been a particularly influential mentor for you?

Mentorship has played a pivotal role in my career, offering guidance and valuable insights that have significantly shaped my professional growth. A particularly influential mentor for me has been Charlton Kurz, who has provided not only practical advice and encouragement but also challenged me to think strategically and pursue opportunities beyond my comfort zone. His support has been instrumental in helping me navigate through complex challenges, build confidence, and achieve my career goals.

How do you stay up-to-date with current trends and developments in your field?

To stay current with trends and developments in my field, I engage in continuous learning through webinars, read industry publications, networking with individuals in my field, follow relevant online resources.

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your younger self?

I would advise my younger self to balance ambition with self-care and appreciate the journey as much as the destination.