In Namibia, where the sun kisses the desert and the winds carry whispers of ambition, Yvonne Le Roux stands as a beacon of inspiration. As the Founding & Managing Member of Elite Employment, Yvonne has spent nearly two decades shaping the landscape of executive recruitment in Namibia. What started as a leap of faith in 2005 has evolved into a remarkable journey of resilience, growth, and success.

Yvonne’s entry into the world of recruitment was anything but conventional. With a background in logistics and no formal HR training, her venture into executive recruitment began with a spark of curiosity and a touch of daring. During a visit to the UK in her early twenties, Yvonne observed the efficiency of recruitment practices and thought, “Why not bring this to Namibia?” Her approach was bold and simple: “What’s the worst that can happen?”

Despite juggling a full-time job and the demands of starting a new business, Yvonne persevered. Her commitment paid off, and she eventually took on Elite Employment full-time. She bolstered her practical experience with formal education, completing studies in Human Resources and earning an MBA.

Balancing her career and personal life, Yvonne finds joy in her roles as a mother of two and an advocate for animal welfare. As Vice-President of the Namibian Animal Welfare Association (NAWA), she dedicates her efforts to improving the lives of animals across Namibia.

Recently, NAWA’s vet team, supported by the Project Donkey team, undertook an outreach trip to Gobabis and Witvlei. They provided crucial services, including the sterilization of 35 cats and dogs, vaccinations for 61 equids, and treatment for 155 dogs and 10 cats. Yvonne’s passion for animals, especially horses, has been a lifelong love affair, with cherished memories of sharing her first horse with a friend and working at stables in Cape Town to follow her passion.

Reflecting on her journey, Yvonne credits her parents for instilling in her a strong work ethic and resilience. Her mother’s zest for life and her grandmother’s indomitable spirit, despite significant hardships, have been key influences. Yvonne’s optimism and positivity are traits she attributes to her family’s influence, saying, “I try to remain positive, no matter what. There is a solution to every problem, you just have to look hard enough”

Yvonne’s advice to those navigating their careers is both practical and profound. She believes that even in the absence of a mentor, inspiration can be found everywhere. “You cannot lay down and say this is my fate. There are always opportunities to overcome obstacles,” she asserts. For women in leadership, she acknowledges the additional sacrifices and challenges, particularly in balancing family and career. Yet, she views these as challenges rather than barriers.

Her entrepreneurial journey in recruitment and HR, begun at the age of 26 despite having no HR background, she defied even her own expectations on her entrepreneurial journey and continues to be a beacon to those around her. With Namibia’s unofficial unemployment rate standing at 57.75%, Yvonne emphasizes the importance of perseverance and visibility in the job market. A polished CV, a positive and upbeat life attitude, and thorough preparation for interviews are essential to making a lasting impression.

For younger job seekers, Yvonne offers practical advice: be punctual, present yourself well, and be honest about the fit between your skills and the job you’re applying for. Consider volunteering or interning as initial valuable steps toward gaining experience and making valuable connections.

In a career often dominated by men, Yvonne finds that her presence as a women frequently offers unique advantages. Her journey is a testament to the power of determination, adaptability, and the courage to embrace opportunities.

As Yvonne Le Roux continues to ride the wave of her career, she remains a trailblazer and a role model, proving that with passion, resilience, and a willingness to take risks, dreams can become a reality. “Find something you are good at. Take the leap. Believe in yourself. Try,”