If you had to introduce yourself in an elevator pitch, what would you say?

I am Deoné Strauss, a senior geologist at Namdeb with over five years of hands-on geoscience experience. My background spans both diamond and non-diamond exploration, giving me a well-rounded experience in the field. I excel in many technical and analytical aspects required in mineral exploration and evaluation, ensuring the successful management of geological projects and the optimization of resources. My dedication and hard work are complemented by a passion for continuous learning and innovation.

Beyond my professional life, I am a proud mom and wife who enjoys baking and spending time in nature. This balance enriches my perspective and fuels my commitment to sustainability and community-focused projects. I look forward to contributing my skills and passion to drive success and innovation at Namdeb.

What inspired your current career choice?

My career choice in geology was inspired by an innate passion for geography and a keen interest in sciences during high school. The intrigue of understanding the Earth’s processes and the excitement of hands-on scientific exploration fascinated me. Initially, I hadn’t considered geology specifically, but when my dad suggested I pursue mining engineering, I explored my options and found that geology offered the perfect compromise. It allowed me to blend my love for geography and scientific inquiry with practical applications in the field. This decision has led me to a fulfilling career where I can continually explore, learn, and contribute to our understanding of the natural world.

As a professional working in the mining industry, what excites you most about your work?

As a female geologist in the mining industry, several unique aspects excite me. The opportunity to break new ground and make significant contributions in a traditionally male-dominated field is incredibly empowering. Discovering new mineral deposits and understanding geological formations while paving the way for other women in the industry brings a sense of purpose and pride.

The industry is also evolving, and being part of that transformation is thrilling. I’m excited by the chance to champion diversity and inclusion, advocating for equal opportunities and fostering a more supportive environment for women. Fieldwork offers a unique blend of adventure and professional challenge, proving that women can excel in demanding and remote locations just as effectively as their male counterparts.

Mentoring young female geologists and taking on leadership roles enables me to influence the industry positively, inspiring the next generation to pursue their passions fearlessly. The technological advancements in the field, which are leveling the playing field, also excite me, as they open new avenues for women to showcase their expertise and innovation. Ultimately, what excites me most is not just the work itself, but the opportunity to reshape the industry, challenge stereotypes, and create a more inclusive future for all geologists.

How do you experience equal opportunities in your workplace?

I appreciate Namdeb’s commitment to equal opportunities, which fosters an inclusive and supportive environment. This focus on merit-based recognition and career advancement ensures fair acknowledgment of hard work and dedication. Professional development programs and a diverse, collaborative culture further enhance creativity and innovation, making my workplace dynamic and inspiring. Additionally, Namdeb’s emphasis on employee well-being, through initiatives and support systems, underscores their dedication to our holistic development. This commitment drives me to achieve my best and feel valued for my contributions.

Being a female professional working in a mining industry, do you encounter any gender bias related challenges and how do you handle them?

As a female geologist at Namdeb, I’ve had a positive experience where gender bias has not posed a significant challenge for me. Instead, I’ve found that my unique perspective as a woman can be an asset in this field. My approach to problem-solving, communication, and collaboration often stands out, helping me to build strong relationships with colleagues and stakeholders. This has made it easier for me to get the support and resources I need to succeed in my projects.

Moreover, my presence in a traditionally male-dominated industry has often sparked curiosity and respect, allowing me to leverage my gender to foster open communication and effective teamwork. By focusing on my strengths and maintaining a proactive attitude, I’ve been able to navigate the industry successfully, demonstrating that competence and dedication are the true markers of success, regardless of gender. My experience shows that with the right mindset and skills, being a female in the mining industry is advantageous.

What institutional and societal changes need to be done for women to get more empowered?

Promoting equal opportunities for men and women begins at home by challenging traditional societal norms, teaching boys to cook and girls to change tires, and fostering women empowerment from a young age. I am grateful for the progress made by institutions and society in enhancing gender equality through increased representation of women in leadership roles, targeted mentorship, and robust anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. Namdeb exemplifies this by fostering a supportive work environment that emphasizes work-life balance. However, I recognize that this may not be the case at many other companies. Enhancing support across all organizations is crucial for a universally supportive environment for all employees.

How do you balance your personal life with your professional commitments?

I am fortunate to work in an environment where my direct supervisor and managers actively promote a positive work-life balance. They encourage us to refrain from working after hours and to take leave when necessary, fostering a culture that values our well-being. This support is crucial, and it is complemented by their confidence in my ability to deliver high-quality work on time.

I prioritise tasks as they are assigned and manage my time efficiently during working hours to ensure I accomplish my daily objectives. Additionally, my role offers flexibility through remote work options and flexible hours when absolutely required, allowing me to meet both professional and personal responsibilities effectively.

I am also supported by an incredible network, both at work and home. My colleagues understand and support my lifestyle as a mother, while my family respects and accommodates the demands of my profession. This robust support system enables me to maintain a harmonious balance between my career and personal life.

What role has mentorship played in your career, and who has been a particularly influential mentor for you?

Mentorship has played a pivotal role in my career development, providing me with the guidance and support needed to navigate the complexities of my profession. I heavily rely on the mentorship of my parents and husband when making critical decisions. Their advice is invaluable because they have my best interests at heart and strive to offer objective perspectives. Moreover, their support extends beyond mere advice. They also step in for me in prayer, which is a significant aspect of my decision-making process. This spiritual support helps me to feel grounded and confident in my choices, knowing that I am seeking the best path forward. The combination of their practical guidance and spiritual encouragement has been instrumental in my career progression. It has enabled me to make well-informed decisions that align with my personal values and professional goals. This holistic mentorship approach has not only empowered me to excel in my role but also fostered a balanced and fulfilling career.

How do you stay up-to-date with current trends and developments in your field?

As a registered SACNASP and GSSA member, I stay up to date with current trends and developments in the mining industry by actively participating in professional associations like the Geological Society of Namibia and attending key industry conferences, also promoted by training and development by Namdeb. I try to enhance my expertise through online courses and certifications, and I read scientific journals to provide guidance when I face a challenge in the workplace. I use LinkedIn not only as a networking site but also as a key tool to stay updated on the latest developments in the mining industry. The platform allows me to engage with peers and experts globally, fostering interactions that provide valuable insights into industry trends and advancements. These professional exchanges are essential for keeping abreast of what is happening in the mining sector worldwide.

Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your younger self?

As a high school student, there’s often a great deal of uncertainty about the future. It is crucial to stay committed to your academic performance, as this dedication opens opportunities for university admission, regardless of the degree you choose to pursue. Additionally, take the time to job shadow during high school; this experience will help you gain clarity and conviction about your career aspirations. Whilst university life is enjoyable, it also demands hard work and perseverance. It’s essential to have a genuine interest in your field of study, as there will be challenging times. Don’t take life so seriously. Failure is a natural part of the learning process and contributes to character building. The key is to never give up.